Congratulations to the Employee of the Year, Dave Bell!
Last year Dave was promoted to Service Shop Foreman and he did such an outstanding job that he was named Employee of the Year!
Dave says, “he’s proud to serve” just as he did as Track Commander in the U.S. Army. Dave became connected to Rocky Mountain after working on repairs at the Balloon Fiesta and now has 22 years of service with us.
Just as so many others have said Dave agrees that, “all our employees are here to help each other and will go our of their normal position to get the best result.” Although he finds it challenging at times to do what the customer needs to the best of our ability. Coming from a family of 11 probably helps him in keeping our technicians in line!
Originally from Michigan, Dave’s greatest pleasures in life are his wife, children and grandchildren – along with camping and fishing, of course! He’s most proud of the fact that his 4 children “have grown into great adults and like how they act as adults.”
Dave describes himself as honest, reliable and hardworking and that “What you see is what you get!”.
Dave’s pretty happy with “any food!” and his dream is to go on a trip to Alaska but loves to travel anywhere. Happy Trails, Dave!