Useful RV Maintenance Tools

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If you want to tackle do-it-yourself RV maintenance, you’ll need the right tools. We recommend building a toolkit with the following items.

Silicone Sealant

A small hole or tear in your RV can be fixed at home. Apply a silicone sealant to seal up the hole before it becomes a bigger issue and a more expensive problem.

Slide-Out Lubricant

A key part of trailer maintenance is keeping the slide-outs in good condition. It’s common for RV slide-outs to begin experiencing problems, such as sticking. To prevent this, simply use slide-out lubricant on a regular basis.


Sometimes, a mold stain will appear. Concrobium can help get rid of stains caused by minor build-up.

It’s important, though, to try to identify the cause of mold growth. For example, there may be a leak somewhere in your RV that needs to be addressed.

Toilet Deodorizer

An RV’s black water tank can get clogged, which can lead to some unpleasant smells. A toilet deodorizer can help break up things causing the clog and, in turn, the smells. Keep in mind that these chemicals are harsh, so use the product sparingly.

A Toolkit

Many trailer maintenance tasks will require a basic toolkit. It should include essentials such as wire cutters, screwdrivers, a hammer, and a multi-purpose tool.

For more information or to explore RVs for sale, visit Rocky Mountain RV & Marine. We are a dealership located in Albuquerque, NM. Our expert staff is happy to answer any questions, assist with the maintenance of your current RV, or help you pick your next RV. Reach out or stop by today!
